Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lunch and goals for the upcoming week

I went to the grocery store this afternoon for a few things....soup and OJ for Matt who is suffering from a horrible head cold, cough and sore throat. Just call me Nurse Andrea today! While there I went past the Seafood counter and saw that the fresh shrimp salad was on sale. I love shrimp salad, so I decided to get some and have that for lunch. It is probably not the healthiest, as they use mayo but it could be worse, right?
Lunch was seafood salad on top of lettuce with baby carrots along side. While making Matt his soup I had about 10 Sunchips. (not pictured, sorry. I ate them too fast!)

Last week was not horrible, but I could have done better by getting in a little more exercise and not eating out/take-in as much.  This week does not look as busy as last, so that should help.
Goals for the upcoming week:
1.) Bring snacks and lunch to work every day again in an effort to save $ and eat better.
2.) Eat more veggies and fruit.
3.) Exercise at least 5xs for at least 40mins
4.) Meal plan for the week based on ingredients I already have in the house. This should be easy since I went to the grocery store Friday and this afternoon. I plan on sitting down this evening and planning out the meals for the week. Lunches and dinner.
5.) Eat most if not all meals from home.

I was planning on making a pretty big meal, but Matt is really not feeling well, and will probably just have soup. I will probably just make myself something light and easy and save the chicken to make for tomorrow nights' dinner.

Be back tonight!

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