Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good day

Today was a good day. I am feeling better. I am still very congested but I am better.
I took it easy and worked from home on my lap top. I drank plent of fluids, tea and water.

I completely forgot to take a picture of my lunch.
Lunch was a mozzarella cheese and spinach panini made on a whole wheat Arnold sandwich thin and Pacific Food tomato soup. This was very yummy and feeling. For an afternoon snack I had mango, a small nonfat latte and about 8 reduced fat pringles. Not all at the same time.

For dinner I decided to make a super healthy meal. I had salmon, roasted vegetables (carrots, broccoli, couliflower, onions, garlic, seasonings and olive oil). I also had a baked potato with some olive oil margarine. 

I plan on resting for the remainder of the evening and getting in my bed and under the covers  no later than 9pm.  I need to get to work tomorrow.

Biggest Loser is on tonight!

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