Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm back.  I wanted a separate post for breakfast. I had no clue what I wanted to eat this am. Eggs? Oats? Toast? Really, I wanted it all! I wasn't that hungry but I guess because I am not feeling well, I just wanted something comforting. I decided to go with a a great big bowl of oats. I didn't sit down to eat breakfast until almost 11am. Very late for me but I was busy cleaning and doing laundry.

I did stovetop oats made with 1% milk, 1/2 mashed banana, craisins, and tbsp of natural PB. On the side I had a small glass of OJ.  I really crave OJ when I am sick. All the extra Vitamin C is good for me anyway.

I didn't workout this am. I was sad to miss my spin class but I had such a bad headache that I knew I better skip it. If I am feeling better this afternoon I might do some cardio on my elliptical. I am not going to push myself. My body really might just need the rest this weekend.

I will back later. 

Have a great weekend.

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